At the end of the plan year, some of our small cash balance (CB) and traditional defined benefit (DB) clients will contact us wanting to know what “the” contribution is for the previous year, as though there was a single option for what they are requ...
David J. Kupstas, FSA, EA, MSEA

Recent Posts
Contribution Options for Small Cash Balance and Defined Benefit Plans
SECURE 2.0: Lots (and Lots) of New Retirement Plan Rules
By now, you have likely heard of the new law called SECURE 2.0. It was passed at the end of 2022 as part of the big omnibus spending bill and contains numerous provisions relating to qualified retirement plans and IRAs. It is a follow-up of sorts to ...
If you’re older than a certain age, you’re familiar with the tagline, “Roaches check in, but they don’t check out.” It’s kind of like that in a 401(k) plan. You can easily check your money in (contribute to the plan), but it can be hard to check it o...
A Guide to SIMPLE IRAs and 401(k)s for TPAs
Note: The SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 made several changes to the rules related to SIMPLEs. Accordingly, some of the information in this article may be outdated. In the retirement plan world, SIMPLE stands for Savings Incentive Match PLan for Employees. T...
Qualified Plan and Social Security Limits to Rise by Record Amounts in 2023
When the new Social Security benefit amounts and qualified retirement plan limits are announced in early fall each year, usually not all of them will rise in any given year because of how the limits are rounded down to the next lower multiple. Due to...
The stock market has been up and down throughout 2022 so far – more down than up. A number of qualified retirement plan clients have asked us about making their 2022 plan year contributions early, the goal being to “buy the dip.”
Big Jump for Qualified Plan Limits and Social Security in 2022
As a result of higher increases to the Consumer Price Index in 2021 than have been seen in recent years, Social Security benefits and qualified retirement plan limits will rise significantly in 2022, according to recent announcements from the IRS and...
Ten Pension Terms That Make You Go Hmmmm...
All industries have their own lingo. The pension industry is no different. No one would expect someone who doesn’t work in the field to readily know what “AFTAP,” “SB,” “11(g),” or “rate group” mean.
No 2020 Form 5500 Needed for Retroactive Qualified Plans
The IRS has announced that, for qualified retirement plans adopted in 2021 retroactive to the 2020 plan year, a 2020 Form 5500 will not be required.
RMDs for Beneficiaries in Qualified Retirement Plans
When an employee in a qualified retirement plan dies, the employee’s account balance has to be distributed to the beneficiary at a certain rate over a certain timeframe. The money cannot stay in the plan forever. What is that timeframe? When do distr...