July 12 2017

The 411 on Investment Fees: Why Cheaper Doesn’t Mean Better

As the old adage goes, “You get what you pay for.” In many respects, the same holds true for the investment industry. Understanding how fees work can seem daunting and the investment industry can appear complicated which is intimidating for many inve...

July 07 2017

Investor Insights: July 2017

See our recap of June's key statistics and market commentary to help guide your investment decisions.

July 05 2017

Top-Heavy Retirement Plan: A Weighty Subject to Tackle

June 28 2017

Exit Strategies Worth Considering When Selling a Dental Practice

For dental practice owners looking to retire, the decision to sell a dental practice is rarely easy. This major life transition means leaving your profession after years of hard work, not to mention breaking free of the emotional attachment to your b...

June 21 2017

Shocking Baby Boomer Retirement Statistics That Keep Us Up at Night

In America, we have 75.4 million Baby Boomers. And every day, around 10,000 of them officially retire.

June 15 2017

Secrets from Financially Successful Dentists

So, you’re a dentist making a decent salary, but you just can’t seem to get ahead in your financial standing. Sound familiar?

June 02 2017

Investor Insights: June 2017

See our recap of May's key statistics and market commentary to help guide your investment decisions.

June 01 2017

Figuring a Sole Proprietor’s Earned Income Will Have You Going in Circles

Recently, we wrote about the challenges of determining retirement plan compensation for owners of S Corporations. Today, we will take a look at how plan compensation for sole proprietors is determined. The task is a bit harder for sole proprietors th...

May 24 2017

5 Ways Investors Sabotage Their Own Portfolios

Let me paint a picture. You are at a cocktail party with a friend. He can’t stop talking about the gains he recently made on the latest tech stock investment. You start to feel envious, maybe even a bit angry that you didn’t get in on the investment....

May 19 2017

Are Leveraged ETFs Right for You?

What if someone told you that you had an equal chance of quadrupling your money or of losing four times as much as your bet at the casino? This is essentially the bet that investors will make using two new leveraged exchange-traded funds (ETFs) appro...