Here’s a public service announcement for all plan sponsors of 401(k)s. Remember the quote from "Jerry Maguire," “Help me help you?” It’s been 22 years since that movie, but it still holds true today. Third party administrators (TPAs) are the people w...
Joné E. Liuzza, ERPA, QPA, QKA

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The beauty of a 401(k) plan is the flexibility it offers. As a business owner, your main priority may be to offer a 401(k) plan to attract top talent. Or you may want to have a 401(k) plan to reduce taxes by offering a match or a profit-sharing compo...
Are you guilty of having a 401(k) plan but can’t remember plan design or investment menu? If you answered yes, you are not alone. Many plan sponsors let their plan run on autopilot once it’s up and running, but it may be time to rethink your position...
It’s not uncommon for business owners to want to contribute more money to their own retirement accounts and those of selected employees than they do to the rest of their employees. Similarly, companies sometimes want to contribute more to older emplo...
Is it my imagination or do we get busier as the fall months come and go at an accelerated pace? Oftentimes, our hectic schedules result in a “priorities first” business model and our 401(k) plan gets put on the back burner. Here are 10 tips for plan ...
If your 401(k) plan allows participant loans, here are 10 rules that will keep you out of trouble and in good graces with the IRS and Department of Labor:
ADP. ACP. 402(g). Safe harbor. Cross-tested. 404(a)(5). Top-heavy. TPA. 410(b). CPA. 415. ERISA. 404. IRS. DOL. Blackout notice. Revenue sharing. 5500. QDIA.
Considering a 401(k) Plan for 2015?
If you are considering setting up a 401(k) plan for 2015, you may not have as much time as you think. October 1st is the deadline for implementing a safe harbor 401(k) plan this year. Safe harbor design – whether a match or nonelective contribution –...
Many plan participants do not know their 401(k) plan beneficiary designation supersedes a will or trust. Consider a beneficiary designation a legally binding document without an expiration date.